It was quoted in the press that house prices are expected to rise 16% over the next 4 years
It takes a brave man to make a quote like that! There are a few things that need to be considered;
Government cuts - changes to social housing and housing benefits will mean more private landlords are needed. But cuts in benefits will mean a requirement for low cost rental properties.
As people fall off the mortgage ladder, or can't get on it in the first place, supply and demand for good rental stock will push up rental prices. This will possibly make it too expensive to rent! Especially for low income or housing benefit tenants.
With the implementation of high University fees this will impact the Student housing market. Less people will go to university, less student homes required. High priced student houses remain empty or will Landlords drop their prices?
Its hard enough to sell a property now and interest rates are at an all time low! What will the impact of higher intrerest rates make? The news is that interest rates are expected to climb.
And the lenders aren't lending! Only squeaky clean need apply. Then they pay high fees and get low LTV!
First timers are finding it almost impossible to get a mortgage and are expected to find large deposits. The news is that there is a whole generation who will be renters for life.
So, what about Buy to let (BTL)? It seems that many investors are taking the opportunity to build their property portfolios right now. Auction houses are bursting at the seams again after a 2 year lull! There are plenty of distressed and repossession sales. So now is the time for a good deal. Yields are good at the moment. But what happens when/if interest rates rise, more jobs are lost, gov cuts kick in? You'd expect yields to fall. Empty properties, non paying tenants, and landlords going bust!
So its no wonder we are all seeing different and conflicting news from all sources across the property industry! The ecomony is in a unique situation. Bottom line is we are in a recession and we have very low interest rates.
Whats your view?
Roberts, Edwards & Worrall, Liverpool Property Experts, call 0151 733 7101 http://www.REWProperty.co.uk

Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Todays Property news
A Generation decides it cant buy!
Paragon buy to let lender makes huge profit
Not for Profit Estate Agent opens - Whats that all about?
More bad news as Mortgage approvals hit new lows!
and house prices in London smash new records!
Fancy a yachting trip of a lifetime?
Tenants predict further rent rises
Spring holidays fail to deter property buyers
Paragon buy to let lender makes huge profit
Not for Profit Estate Agent opens - Whats that all about?
More bad news as Mortgage approvals hit new lows!
and house prices in London smash new records!
Fancy a yachting trip of a lifetime?
Tenants predict further rent rises
Spring holidays fail to deter property buyers
Friday, 20 May 2011
FREE £25,000 worth of legal coverage FOR ALL OUR LANDLORDS
Roberts, Edwards & Worrall
All of our landlords get FREE £25,000 worth of legal coverage, FREE rent guarantees with NIL excess, FREE professional inventories, FREE fully referenced tenants and FREE compulsory tenant contents insurance. Minimising risk and maximising income! Thats for our Fully Managed service and ALSO for our Let only landlords!
Call us today for a FREE property consultation. We have been Property Experts in Liverpool for over 150 years!
3 Allerton Road
Mossley Hill
Liverpool L18 1LQ
0151 733 7101
All of our landlords get FREE £25,000 worth of legal coverage, FREE rent guarantees with NIL excess, FREE professional inventories, FREE fully referenced tenants and FREE compulsory tenant contents insurance. Minimising risk and maximising income! Thats for our Fully Managed service and ALSO for our Let only landlords!
Call us today for a FREE property consultation. We have been Property Experts in Liverpool for over 150 years!
3 Allerton Road
Mossley Hill
Liverpool L18 1LQ
0151 733 7101
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Pats Charity Walk - UPDATE
19th May 2011 (UPDATE)
WELL DONE PAT! She completed her charity walk last Friday! Around 1,000 ladies completed the Liverbirds Midnight walk in aid of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. So far Pat and her daughter have raised an awesome amount of over £600 (and rising as support is still coming in). She is also now a celebrity after being interviewed by Radio City, and her husband Peter, who was hanging around wondering what to do was given a hi vis jacket and asked to go and help start the walk.
Pat is still taking sponsorship so if you are quick you can still help and support this worthy cause by going to her just giving charity page CLICK HERE or by email (see below) or call her at the office 0151 733 7101 or even come in and see her yourself at Roberts, Edwards & Worrall 3 Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 1LQ. She'd love to see you!
Patricia O'Shaughnessy has been working for Roberts, Edwards & Worrall in Woolton and Allerton Road, Liverpool since she packed off the last of her children to start school nearly 24 years ago. If you have been a visitor to our Woolton Village office over the years you will no doubt know her. She spends most of her time nowadays looking after us all at Allerton Road!
Well Pat has got her walking shoes on and is about to do The Liver Birds Midnight Walk for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.

Former Atomic Kitten and TV presenter star Jenny Frost has launched the annual Liver Birds Midnight Walk to raise money for a cause very close to her heart.
Thousands of women are expected to take part in the ladies-only moonlit walk along Liverpool’s waterfront on Friday May 13th. More than a thousand women took part in the 2010 event and raised over £100,000 for The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.
The 9km route starts and finishes at the Pier Head and takes in various city sights.
We've all dug deep into our pockets and have sponsored Pat and would love your support too. If you wish to support Pats effort and give to a very good cause you can either contact Pat at the office on 0151 733 7101, email her Allerton@rewproperty.co.uk and she will add your sponsorship to her growing form or give online at her just giving site CLICK HERE
Good luck and well done to Pat. Please give to this very worthy cause and support Pats effort. Thank you
WELL DONE PAT! She completed her charity walk last Friday! Around 1,000 ladies completed the Liverbirds Midnight walk in aid of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. So far Pat and her daughter have raised an awesome amount of over £600 (and rising as support is still coming in). She is also now a celebrity after being interviewed by Radio City, and her husband Peter, who was hanging around wondering what to do was given a hi vis jacket and asked to go and help start the walk.
Pat is still taking sponsorship so if you are quick you can still help and support this worthy cause by going to her just giving charity page CLICK HERE or by email (see below) or call her at the office 0151 733 7101 or even come in and see her yourself at Roberts, Edwards & Worrall 3 Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 1LQ. She'd love to see you!
Patricia O'Shaughnessy has been working for Roberts, Edwards & Worrall in Woolton and Allerton Road, Liverpool since she packed off the last of her children to start school nearly 24 years ago. If you have been a visitor to our Woolton Village office over the years you will no doubt know her. She spends most of her time nowadays looking after us all at Allerton Road!
Former Atomic Kitten and TV presenter star Jenny Frost has launched the annual Liver Birds Midnight Walk to raise money for a cause very close to her heart.
Thousands of women are expected to take part in the ladies-only moonlit walk along Liverpool’s waterfront on Friday May 13th. More than a thousand women took part in the 2010 event and raised over £100,000 for The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.
The 9km route starts and finishes at the Pier Head and takes in various city sights.
We've all dug deep into our pockets and have sponsored Pat and would love your support too. If you wish to support Pats effort and give to a very good cause you can either contact Pat at the office on 0151 733 7101, email her Allerton@rewproperty.co.uk and she will add your sponsorship to her growing form or give online at her just giving site CLICK HERE
Good luck and well done to Pat. Please give to this very worthy cause and support Pats effort. Thank you
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Property To Let 2 bed top floor apartment in close to Calderstones Park, Liverpool L18
To Let 2 Bed Apartment 19 Menlove Gardens, Liverpool L18 £650pcm
Roberts Edwards & Worrall are delighted to offer To Let this two bedroom second floor flat, situated on the corner of Green Lane and Menlove Avenue. The property is double glazed throughout and has communal entrance and stairwell, private hall, lounge, kitchen, two bedrooms and a family bathroom. It has new carpets, blinds washing machine and shower and has been redorated throughout. There are also communal gardens and communal parking to the rear. In an excellent location within walking distance to Allerton Road and Calderstones park. Early viewing is essential. Call Amy or Beckie on 0151 733 7101 to book a viewing
Thursday, 12 May 2011
The Property Paper in Liverpool
The Property Paper
The best hardcopy Property advertising in Liverpool, in our opinion, is The Property Paper
It comes out every 2 weeks, has about 32 pages of properties for sale and for rent across all of Liverpool, some great articles and the best bit.....its FREE!!
Over the last year or so its become the must have paper for all with an interest in Property in Liverpool. The latest edition is out and has an electronic copy here CLICK FOR YOUR COPY
Collect your copy from shops and offices all over Liverpool, or come to our offices at 3 Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 1LQ or Woolton office at Salisbury Lodge 22b Woolton St L25 5JA (in the centre of the village opp HSBC)
Or come to this blogsite and collect your electronic copy every 2 weeks!
The best hardcopy Property advertising in Liverpool, in our opinion, is The Property Paper
It comes out every 2 weeks, has about 32 pages of properties for sale and for rent across all of Liverpool, some great articles and the best bit.....its FREE!!
Over the last year or so its become the must have paper for all with an interest in Property in Liverpool. The latest edition is out and has an electronic copy here CLICK FOR YOUR COPY
Collect your copy from shops and offices all over Liverpool, or come to our offices at 3 Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 1LQ or Woolton office at Salisbury Lodge 22b Woolton St L25 5JA (in the centre of the village opp HSBC)
Or come to this blogsite and collect your electronic copy every 2 weeks!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
A Few of our latest Properties for Sale and Rent - From Roberts, Edwards & Worrall
Some of Roberts, Edwards & Worralls properties that have gone on the market for sale or for rent this recently
A 3 Bedroom Semi in Halewood Liverpool for sale at £144,950. Check it out -
A 4 Bedroom Semi for rent in L6 in Liverpool just £600 pcm. Check it out -
A 3 Bedroom Terrace for sale in Speke Liverpool for a bargain price of £79,950. Check it out -
A Double fronted end of terrace house with 3 bedrooms. For sale at £129,950 in Hunts Cross Liverpool L25. Check it out -
An Art Gallery with a flat above in Lark lane, Liverpool L17. Available for sale for £295,000. Check it out-
For Sale a 3 bedroom end town house in Halewood Liverpool. Great price of £89,950. Check it out -
Ther is a whole load more at http://www.rewproperty.co.uk/
A 3 Bedroom Semi in Halewood Liverpool for sale at £144,950. Check it out -
A 4 Bedroom Semi for rent in L6 in Liverpool just £600 pcm. Check it out -
A 3 Bedroom Terrace for sale in Speke Liverpool for a bargain price of £79,950. Check it out -
A Double fronted end of terrace house with 3 bedrooms. For sale at £129,950 in Hunts Cross Liverpool L25. Check it out -
An Art Gallery with a flat above in Lark lane, Liverpool L17. Available for sale for £295,000. Check it out-
For Sale a 3 bedroom end town house in Halewood Liverpool. Great price of £89,950. Check it out -
Ther is a whole load more at http://www.rewproperty.co.uk/
Monday, 9 May 2011
QR Codes
SKY TV are using them, DHL use them, Groupon use them, Waitrose use them, Unilever use them and WE use them. QR codes, what are they?
Quick Response (QR) 2D barcodes are the latest readable codes that can be scanned by iphones and android mobile devices. Behind the code is a website, a sms message a phone number or a text.
The QR code above leads you to our company website http://www.rewproperty.co.uk/. Try it. Load a QR code scanner app for free on your iphone or android then scan the 2D barcode and see what happens!
In everyday life you will soon see many more of these in all the usual marketing places. On advertising hoardings, in magazines, on flyers and mailshots and on TV!
Look out for them!

The QR code above leads you to our company website http://www.rewproperty.co.uk/. Try it. Load a QR code scanner app for free on your iphone or android then scan the 2D barcode and see what happens!
In everyday life you will soon see many more of these in all the usual marketing places. On advertising hoardings, in magazines, on flyers and mailshots and on TV!
Look out for them!
Private Landlords Beware
Well today I've been to court to get an order to evict a non paying tenant.
As a letting agent it is so important to have a strong process and a legal team behind you that covers your landlords when you have to take posession of a property that the tenant decides to live in and not pay rent or vacate when they should.
The eviction process through the courts can be straight forward, as long as the correct prcedures are completed and correct documentation provided. But do private landlords understand the laws covering property and tenants? As we all know, the rental market is booming, there are many new private landlords out there.
Eviction of bad tenants can be costly, not only the legal costs but also the loss of potential rental income.
I cannot emphasise enough to a new landlord, if they decide to manage their properties, they need to make sure they undertsand the legalilties, have an eviction process in place and seek support of a legal team. If they are uncomfortable or concerned then make sure that they use a letting agent to fully manage their property or portfolio. Take care to check your agent has a process and legal backup.
Here at Roberts, Edwards & Worrall we have a proven procedure and the backup of legal support. As one of our landlords you get FREE landlords rent guarantees and £25,000 worth of FREE legal support - so much piece of mind for our landlords.
Today in court it took 10mins to get an eviction order plus costs plus an order to pay arrears. Simple.
As a letting agent it is so important to have a strong process and a legal team behind you that covers your landlords when you have to take posession of a property that the tenant decides to live in and not pay rent or vacate when they should.
The eviction process through the courts can be straight forward, as long as the correct prcedures are completed and correct documentation provided. But do private landlords understand the laws covering property and tenants? As we all know, the rental market is booming, there are many new private landlords out there.
Eviction of bad tenants can be costly, not only the legal costs but also the loss of potential rental income.
I cannot emphasise enough to a new landlord, if they decide to manage their properties, they need to make sure they undertsand the legalilties, have an eviction process in place and seek support of a legal team. If they are uncomfortable or concerned then make sure that they use a letting agent to fully manage their property or portfolio. Take care to check your agent has a process and legal backup.
Here at Roberts, Edwards & Worrall we have a proven procedure and the backup of legal support. As one of our landlords you get FREE landlords rent guarantees and £25,000 worth of FREE legal support - so much piece of mind for our landlords.
Today in court it took 10mins to get an eviction order plus costs plus an order to pay arrears. Simple.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
REW Property For Sale
For Sale Large 3 storey, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom Terraced house in Aigburth Liverpool L17 £239,950
Roberts, Edwards & Worrall are pleased to present for sale a completely renovated and restored family 3 bedroom terrraced house in North Sudley Road, Mossley Hill. The property which was originally a four bedroom house, is close to very good schools and briefly comprises a large entrance hall, front reception room, open plan fully fitted kitchen with integrated appliances, dining room and a further reception area, with double doors opening ontop the back yard. This an ensuite master bedroom, a double bedroom and a bathroom on the first floor. Then a further suite on the top floor again with ensuite facilities. The property benefits from carefully restored original features including ceiling roses, cornices and moldings, cast iron and marble fireplaces and stained glass windows throughout. Ina great location with excellent schools nearby, within walking distance of the historical Sefton Park and good local services.
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