Thursday, 5 January 2012

Some new properties to buy or rent from REW

We've had a busy December and January so far. Here is a selection of some of those new instructions, a mixture of rentals and sales;

Pengwern Grove L15
Damwood Rd L24
Cranwell Rd L25
Hillingdon Rd L15
Baileys Lane L26
Lambton Rd L17
Stairhaven Rd L18
Maidstone Close L25
Mines Ave L17
Bowden Rd L19
Buckingham Ave L18
Rocky La L16
Verdala Park L18
Rocky La L7
Melbreck Ave L18
St Ambrose Grove L4
St Michaels Church Road L17
Acorn Court L8
Critchley Rd L24
Millwood Rd L24
Hunts cross Ave L25
Byron Ct L25
Belle Vue Rd L25
Minster Court L8
Kingfield Road L9
Hartsbourne Ave L25
Vyner Road North L25
Earp Street L19
Talland Close L26
Lambton Rd L17
Bluefields Street L8

Check all of these on our website at or go the property portal at

1 comment:

  1. Buying a property can be a long and complex advice can make the property buying process a little easier. buying a property is a big step involving a substantial long-term financial commitment..
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